
The Quick Booster Access 500

The Quick Booster Access 500 is a booster developed with our partner Eiffage Métal that empties a pipeline by sucking the gas out of the said pipeline before recompressing it in the network upstream or downstream.  

Benefits of QBA 

 Day to set up

Operators needed

Release of methane

Volumes: between 5 000 and 20 000 (n)m3

Flow rate recompressed: by around 250 to 500 (n)m3/h

Composition: a preliminary pressure relief module, 2 compressors, a bio-CNG heat engine and a PLC

Suction pressure: reduced from 67 bars to 300 millibars

To go further, GRTgaz wants to offer in the coming years a booster that allows flow rates to be recompressed by around 1500 (n)m3/h.